I vecchi video in tema Halloween sono in fondo, dopo il salto.
Ma anche con i primi – questi freschissimi come i pezzi di carne asportati senza anestesia sul tavolo operatorio di un ospedale da B-movie o di un ospedale italiano durante il litigio di un paio di chirurghi – non si scherza.
Never come around by La Sera
directed by Brady Hall
Violent sesation descends by Violens
directed by Alejandro Cardenas
Garden grow by Our Broken Garden
directed by ???
directed by Matthew Caron [vimeo video_id=”16232199″ width=”550″ height=”364″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”] Sucker punch by Coma Cinema
directed by Magic Hill
The base of a dream is empty by Yuck
directed by Porcelain Raft
Me and the Moon by The Drums
directed by ???
directed by Amir Shoucri
We want our things by Nite Jewel
directed by Ola Vasiljeva
Lonely’s lunch by You Say Party
directed by Sean Wainsteim
Get some by Lykke Li
directed by ???
directed by Nick Zammuto
+ Halloween Bonus