Tesori d’archivio: un’enciclopedia dedicata alle decorazioni dall’antichità all’800

Conosciuto soprattutto per una delle più grandi scoperte archeologiche del ‘900 — la collina fortificata di Karatepe, in Turchia, dove tra gli anni ’40 e gli anni ’50 venne trovata un’epigrafe che permise di decifrare i geroglifici ittiti — lo storico ed archeologo tedesco Helmuth Philipp Theodor Bossert fu anche uno dei maggiori studiosi dell’arte della decorazione, alla quale dedicò un libro, o meglio un’enciclopedia, uscita originariamente in tedesco nel 1924 e poi pubblicata in inglese, col titolo An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century, nel 1928.

Raccogliendo immagini da altre opere e viaggiando in tutto il mondo per produrne di nuove, Bossert mise insieme ben 120 tavole a colori, che illustrano alcuni tra i migliori esempi di decorazioni murali, tessili e su legno dall’Antico Egitto alla Francia di metà ‘800.
Tra le tante meraviglie, ce ne sono molte italiane, trovate a Pompei, Tarquinia, Roma, Messina, Monreale, Anagni, Assisi, Firenze.

L’enciclopedia si può sfogliare integralmente online e, volendo, anche scaricare gratuitamente.

Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
Helmuth Theodor Bossert, “An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIXth century”, Berlino, 1928
(fonte: archive.org)
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